3 years ago

EXCLUSIVE: COVlD Vaccine Patent Warned of "DELIBERATE CORONAVlRUS RELEASE" 9 Months Before C0VlD-19
Newly unearthed documents from Moderna Pharmaceuticals Covid patent application include a claim of concern about a "deliberate release of SARS coronavirus" 9 months before the official emergence of Covid-19. In addition, it turns out that Moderna may not have the legal right to even release its vaccine in the next few weeks because the company appears to be infringing on an exisiting patent for the core technology. Is this why Moderna's executives are selling their stock?
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Well take a look at this List of Patents proving coronavirus a bioengineered weapon by
Alfred Lambremont Webre
US7220852B1 Modified Human Corona virus. Holder: CDC. 2003
(our own govt Center for Disease Control)
US20060257852A1 SARS Holder: Glaxosmithkline 2004
(Pharmaceutical company)
US8343506B2 Chimeric Chikunguya virus Holder University of Texas. 2010
US10130701B2 Corona virus chimeric genetic manipulation Holder Pirbright Inst. 2014
EP3172319B1 VACCINE for Corona virus Holder: Pirbright Inst. 2014. (Pirbright Inst. funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Fdn.)
US579246A Virus Replication system. Chimeric Holder US Army
US9539210B1. Vaccine Nanotechnology Holder: Harvard, MIT 2017
US2014034865A1 Cryptocurrency system using body activity. Holder: Microsoft Technology 2018
US7639135B2 Identify objects in wireless network Holder: Microstrain Inc. 2004.
US0243303A1 System delivery of Nanobots thru aerosols Holder: Solomon Res LLC 2004.
WO200806347A2 Nanobots RF A! control of humans. Holder: Neil Solomon 2006.

Okay summary ...

On these patents, some are obvious, some you have to read between the lines... but the purpose is to show irrevocably that technology exists and that things have been done that are denied and lied to the public by the Mainstream Media (MSM)
A) So here is proof the virus was a bioengineered weapon 😎
😎 That the law was broken to develop "gain of function" by Chimeric research
C) That a vaccine already existed before the COVID19 outbreak.
D) that Nanobots are in the vaccines.
E) that nanobots are being sprayed thru aerosols (Chemtrails)
F) that these nanobots can be programmed to kill someone very rapidly
G) that these are/can be activated and controlled by (EMF) Electromagnetic energy Radio/microwave transmission - i.e. 5G technology.
H) that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) control can/will be initiated thru these means.
I) that the coming crypto- currency will depend on you having the bots, and will monitor your every move. etc, etc etc....

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