3 years ago

Archangel Michael "ON AIR" Show Episode #58

On today's show we will be discussing, one woman's demonic decision to kill over a kiss 💋.

I can't make this sh*t up!!! Everyday more and more people are accepting "The Mark of The Beast".

And by doing so, I am overwhelmed with all the material being provided on a daily basis...

It is clear that the blind are leading the blind, in record numbers!!!

Yaltaboath aka Elohim/Satan the god of this world, is clearly winning the war on "SOUL NUMBERS".

But not all, we as followers of Christ, must continue the "Good Fight" till the end. Even though at times it feels, we're on the losing side.

For Jesus himself said, that saving just one soul, cover's a multitude of sins, and that all the angels rejoice in heaven. For every soul that is saved...

As a reminder to all, we are at war!!! The greatest "SPIRITUAL WAR EVER"!!!

No matter the odds, or casualties. I pledge as the commander of my Lord's Army, to fight for the freedom of spirits!!! To my last, human breath, in the name of Jesus Christ.....

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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