Fair Trader Token — Tutorial 1

3 years ago

How to purchase the Fair Trader Token using Binance, Trust Wallet, and Pancake swap!

Fair Trader Contract: 0x32151d601f6578399136c57030890fbb48ede685

Sorry for the lack of production value making this video, I was just trying to pump out a quick video to help people purchase Fair Trader — GOOD LUCK!


1. Download the Binance app
(or use Coinspot, Swyftx etc if you're already using an exchange — jump to step 4)
2. Verify your account
3. Send some AUD currency to your Binance Wallet
4.Buy some BNB in Binance
5. Download the Trust Wallet app
6. Set up your trust wallet
7. Copy your Smart Chain link in your trust wallet
8. Paste that into Binance into the BNB coin previously bought and send it to the link you copied.
9. Wait until it comes across to your Trust Wallet
10. Search Pancakeswap on Google
11. Connect your trust wallet
10. Swap BNB (smart chain) for Fair Trader token

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