THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50pts) ~ Pt.34: God's Salvation.. Law & Grace

3 years ago

"The precepts of the natural law are not perceived by everyone clearly and immediately. Now some of the Natural Law we can perceive rather clearly, rather immediately. Some of it is not immediately clear to us, not all of it, some fine points which are rather difficult. We need Revealed what's revealed law? Divine Revelation. You remember the early classes that we gave on divine revelation, there were two parts on divine revelation. Quite simply, a review of that, once again not to take simple things and make them complex, but to take apparently complex things and try to make them simple, we say that Divine Revelation is quite simply God our Father revealing Himself to us in the Person of his only Son. Jesus, when He entered time and space He became like one of us in everything except Sin..the Incarnation. Jesus transmitted Himself, the knowledge of Himself to us, in two ways..a written way and a spoken way..Sacred Scripture, that's the written word of God..Sacred Tradition, that is the orally transmitted word of God, that's the Teaching of Jesus Christ given to His Apostles who handed it on under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit faithfully throughout the Ages. So Revelation, that's the transmission of God to us in the Person of His Son, remember there is only one word of God, all the words in the Bible, all the words in the Catechism, all the words in the Teaching of the Church can be synthesized and reduced into one only word..Jesus..the one who is Truth..the one who is Goodness. Quite simply Revealed Law helps us to know what's True and what's Good..we have the Old Testament, we have the New Testament."

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