THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50pts) ~ Pt.37: The 2nd, 3rd & 4th Commandments

3 years ago

"We know that the name of the Lord is Holy. The 2nd Commandment prescribes respect and reverence for the Lord's name. The Jewish people would not even pronounce the name of the Lord, they held it in such reverence, they had an awe for God. We should have a certain intimacy with God, we should have personal relationship with God, our protestant brethren often speak of a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ..they're right, we must have a personal relationship, not just with Jesus but also with the Father and the Holy spirit too, with each of the Divine Persons..Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So yes God is imminent, He's within, we should be intimate..but God is not a 'good old boy'..God is also transcendent..God in short is..GOD.

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