Astrotheology The Holy Science 3 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

3 years ago

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Santos Bonacci explains how the powers that be, (The Elite Oligarchies) through their Religious, Political, Money, Corporate etc institutions, have been suppressing the true Science/Religion that was bequeathed to us by more advanced Civilisations ie: Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, Greece etc. The science of the stars and soul.

The science of 'Know thy self'. As above so below. Their superiority in all scientific fields is patent still today after the ravages of time have caused decay and wear. The monuments that are still standing thousands of years after their glorious creation are tacitly declaring to all that have come after that they knew more than we do even now in this advanced date of 2011. Engineers know that literally Hundreds of the Megalithic relics we have of days gone by are impossible to replicate even with the technology of today.

Those very same people left us Spiritual Wisdom too. Love of Wisdom has always been the highest virtue of Man. Philosophy, comes from two Greek words, Love & Wisdom.

The ruling families created counterfeit philosophical Organisations (Corporate religions/ churches) to replace Logic (One of the three branches of Philosophy) with Dogma and Doctrine, Physics for Fear and Superstition and ignorance and Ethics with Morals.

The underlying message of all the legendary books of Mythology (Including the Bible) is one and the same. Nature (The only book of God) in all her naked glory is revealed to the ones that have 'eyes to see'. The recurring cycles of nature are the basis of all the stories. In particular the Day, the Year, and the Great Year, or the Platonic year(Scientific name: Precession of the equinoxes) This cycle lasts around 24,000 years. This latter cycle is the cause of the Zodiacal ages. The age of Pisces is about to give way to the age of Aquarius and we are approaching a great galactic alignment that takes place only once every 24,000 years.

This is the knowledge that they prefer we do not have. It is too empowering and they want control. The greatest enemy of this true wisdom is religion. The clergy have been denouncing scientists, astonomers, alchemists etc, and killing them ( Socrates, Seneca, Boethius, Hypatia, Giordano Bruno, Thomas Moore, William Tyndale etc ) for too long now, things are about to change forever and they know that Mankind is waking up.

Time to take responsibility for all our actions as the 2012 Galactic alignment approaches

For Holy Science 1-4 go to the following link

Santos Bonacci

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