Astrotheology in the bible 10 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

3 years ago

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Santos Bonacci explains how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc all have one simple common origin. In all the wonderful ancient stories, the Dramitis Personae are always the same, under different names. Eg: The Sun, Hercules, Jesus, Krishna, Little Red Ridding Hood, Prince Charming etc, are all one and the same Person/Entity. All the characters have the same roles, the same adventures and the same trials and Labours. The Seven visible planets and luminaries (The Active Creator God's) in our Solar System considered to be a Macrocosmic Atom, the Twelve Constellations of The Zodiac, the numbers Three and Four are also important. Four is the number of the elements, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth which correspond to Light/Heat, Gas, Liquid and Solid, the building blocks of the Universe. It is possible to explain every verse in the Bible with Science and Astronomy and Physics etc.

Santos Bonacci

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