The Reprobate Mind

3 years ago

[00:30] The Vaccine Mob (16 minutes)

It’s hard to believe it all started with “15 days to slow the spread.” Now we’re seeing mass firings and resignations happening all over the place because some are refusing to pump their bodies full of a toxic drug that doesn't even protect those who are vaccinated.

[16:30] Sudden Collapse (24 minutes)

Herbert W. Armstrong was way ahead of his time when he prophesied of the sudden collapse of Great Britain and the United States.

[40:00] Bible Study: Eden—a Prototype for the Universe (14 minutes)

When God put man in the Garden of Eden, He intended for him to dress and keep it—to beautify, manage and preserve it. But Eden was only the prototype of what God intends for His spirit-born sons to do with the entire universe.

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