News Roundup | Mexico City Population-Level Study Administers Ivermectin-based Home Kits

3 years ago

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Story 1 | Mexico City Wide Innovative Population-Level Study Administers Ivermectin-based Home Kits with Drastic Reduction in Hospitalizations

Since December 28, the ivermectin-based medical kits were distributed to mild to moderate symptomatic patients. The Mexico City Government sought to measure the effectiveness o f this population-wide intervention inclusive of the ivermectin-based medical kit in overall hospitalization during the pandemic. Using a quasi-experimental research design involving a Coarsened Exact Matching method leveraging hospital and phone call monitoring data, the study team estimated logistic-regression models with a range of observational data and found a significant reduction in hospitalizations among the cohort receiving ivermectin-based medical kit.

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Story 2 | Uttar Pradesh Health Officials on Record: Claims Ivermectin as Prophylactic Has Lowered COVID-19 Infection Rate & Death Rate

The government of Uttar Pradesh, the most populated state in India, has declared that the use of Ivermectin as a “Prophylactic and therapeutic” has not only lowered transmission and infection rates but has also served to reduce the COVID-19 death rate as well. It’s been a year since the first cluster of five (5) cases was reported in Agra, and recently, the Health Department has shared positive results with the ongoing program. TrialSite shared August last year that the most populated Indian state embraced Ivermectin as a COVID-19 therapy and prophylactic while no Western press bothered to touch the subject. More recently, TrialSite reported that ivermectin has been included in the national COVID-19 guidance due in part to positive outcomes now emerging. Again, there hasn’t been a peep from the West. Uttar Pradesh was an early mover, embracing a protocol using both the anti-parasite drug as well as Doxycycline for use as a prophylactic and as a therapeutic tool targeting COVID-19. Clinical trials in Bangladesh using a similar protocol were producing results last summer as well. Now the Uttar Pradesh health department shared recently that it also plans on conducting a controlled study once this second wave of the pandemic wanes.

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