Neil Mammen ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 10-16-2021

3 years ago

How To Stop The Red States From Turning Blue

Neil Mammen
President of the Values Advocacy Council

Neil was born in Africa to Indian parents and grew up speaking Arabic in Sudan and Yemen. He came to the United States at 18 to attend college and earned his Masters in Electrical Engineering and Solid State Physics from Oregon State University. Neil has co-founded four high tech companies and continues to work in the industry with He holds over 20 issued or pending patents in various technical fields. He is the founder of, an apologetics ministry focused on training people to use apologetics in evangelization. Neil is a dynamic apologetics speaker and teacher and is the author of two books: Who is Agent X? Proving that Science and Logic show it’s more Rational to think God exists and Jesus Was/IS involved in Politics! Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your Church?

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