"There are 12-year-olds and elderly ladies being pepper-sprayed."

3 years ago

Josh Needham, an Australian citizen living in Brisbane and formerly a resident of Victoria province where he lived with his family just outside of Melbourne has witnessed the worst of the Australian fascist police state first-hand.

"We were not allowed outside after 8 p.m."

Mr. Needham paints a picture of where we are headed here in Canada if we do not fight, and fight effectively, to recover our rights and freedoms.

"Right now, in Victoria, if you criticize the government you are at risk of being arrested. We've had many cases of the police coming to people's houses and arresting them."

The fabric of society in Australia, and especially in Victoria province is unravelling at an alarming rate with countless innocent victims. There is a 28 minute average wait time for emergency calls to 000 (their equivalent of 911).

"In Victoria the kid's help line for children attempting suicide and self-harm has had a 196% increase in calls."

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