Old Guard reality check for winners. Advanced.

3 years ago

This may be a bit too much for rabbit hole dwellers so if you hold Conspiracy close..get on the boat..a ship of fools.
When you are ready to think independently we will be here, The Old Guard.....on point..eternally.

Remember, to lose is to win in this experience as spiritually the wealthy are poor.
The weak are strong..for we endure.
The power of illusions confounds me but the soul has no cage, it is eternally free.

Welcome old souls, curiosity, in this instance, has not been fatal. I offer views and opinions per usual but claim no truth within, if it resonates within then give Johnny a spin but never put in your entire stake...for apparently I'm a mental case.

Any'road, if it don't move you forward spiritually then it takes from you emotionally.

Starve the bastard.

Much L❤️VE


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