Take Courage with the October Butterfly Box

3 years ago

We all need some courage in this broken world and must stay renewed so we can reach others who are hurting. The October box from Butterfly box is focusing on courage this month. Check out this faith inspired and Christian gift subscription from Butterfly Box! Plus watch for a special coupon code.-MORE LINKS BELOW-

Full Blog Post: https://www.thesoutherncouture.com/take-courage-with-the-october-butterfly-box/

Shop Below:

Butterfly Box: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1779443&u=1000070&m=110937&urllink=&afftrack=
*Use coupon code SOUTHERNCOUTUREBOGO for a FREE additional different box on your first order.

Shop Southern Couture: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShopSouthernCouture

Thank you to Butterfly Box for sponsoring this video. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise. Some of the above links are affiliate-linked and purchasing through these links helps support Southern Couture in future projects! It does NOT increase the price for you so that's cool. Thanks so much for your support!

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