The Lord chose you

3 years ago

Come study with me and read the actual accounts of Jesus in the flesh healing people, did you know Jesus was a carpenter by trade?
He loved to build with His hands.
Over 1500 prophesies have already come to pass from the Bible, it's a true book, we all hear the call of God and everything we've ever done has brought us to where we are right here, right now. He made you, who you are for a reason.
We don't have to be perfect people to go to Heaven.
But you must confess that Jesus has come in the flesh, He saved us, and now most of us are awake to the demonic realm, we know it's real and now why they've done everything in their evil power to erase Jesus from our lives and brainwash us into think it's not cool or a fairytale.
Do you want to be saved from the wickedness that you now see upon the earth?
Repent, He will forgive you, no matter what you've done!
Read His words during this time and you will be informed and comforted by His words unless your evil, in that case, you should also know what's coming and I'm praying for you too, because it's demons who cause this, you loose your soul if you choose this world.
Research for yourself, if something doesn't feel right to your soul, then it's not.
We are stronger together than apart.

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