Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dead from COVID Complications | Guests: Drew Hernandez & Noel Kachaturian 10/18/21

3 years ago

Colin Powell, the first black secretary of state, top military officer, and national security adviser, died at the age of 84 from COVID-19. While fully vaccinated, Powell’s immune system was weakened by treatment for multiple myeloma. All three companies with FDA-authorized COVID shots now employ former FDA commissioners. Is this a conflict of interest or simply companies hiring people with appropriate expertise? Massachusetts is reporting that 45% of its COVID-19 deaths in the last week were fully vaccinated individuals. On the bright side, Dr. Anthony Fauci says fully vaccinated Americans can enjoy the holidays with their families, so at least our government overlords will maybe give us back the freedoms they never had the right to take. We’re joined in-studio by Drew Hernandez, political commentator for Real America’s Voice, and Noel Kachaturian, a journalist at Project Veritas.

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