Too Hot For YouTube: The Risk of Videoing Dangerous Protests

2 years ago

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Nothing got burned down. No objects were thrown. Nobody rioted. Not a single person was assaulted. But here I was in the middle of an allegedly dangerous protest amongst dangerous protestors, at least according to the major social media sites like Facebook and Twitters, and Google's video hosting site, YouTube.

When I started making and posting videos about downtown Indianapolis five years ago, I never imagined that YouTube would delete one of my videos under the pretext that I was spreading medical misinformation. The video they deleted featured two state reps, a local radio personality, a Lutheran minister, an Assemblies of God pastor, two nurses, a couple activists, and a woman claiming to have been injured recently by a medical procedure.

Apparently, someone or numerous people in the video were too hot for YouTube. It sure wasn't because of anything I said, because I was simply documenting the day without commentary or opinion. For this, I was given a permanent warning by artificial intelligence because, "we all make mistakes."

Anymore "mistakes" will receive a strike. Three strikes and my channel is deleted. Maybe they will even put me on a list with other disgruntled contrarians who are having trouble conforming. It's as if I'm facing a combination of the worst parts of the 1994 Clinton Crime Bill and 2001 Patriot Act.

So here's my self censored version of a documentary video of another protest in Indianapolis. I've redacted nearly 45 minutes of public speaking so that YouTube doesn't get worried about the spread of dangerous ideas and overreact by wiping out my channel.

Left in tact is my footage from Monumental Yoga, and 1000's of Indianapolis Colts fans walking back to their cars in a depressed state after a humiliating loss to Los Angeles.

For those who actually can tolerate dangerous ideas without fear of threat and mental or bodily harm, feel free to reach out so I can direct you to a place where ideas flow freely beyond fear of suppression, overreaction, and malicious retribution.

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