3 years ago

Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is under investigation for interfering in the 2020 US Elections. Earlier this year, a dead-locked Congress failed to pass funding for the 2020 elections. In what appeared as a patriotic gesture, Mark Zuckerberg offered to rescued the Unites States Government with $400m to fund the 2020 election poll precincts and workers. Under the disguise of his charitable organization, the Covid 19 crisis, and Congress’s failure to pass election funding, Zuckerberg stepped directly into the U.S. Governments shoes and personally organized and funded $400m to help U.S. public voting pole facilities including purchasing suspect Dominion voting machines. Witnesses have now come forth stating that Zuckerberg attached “strings” to the funding and that the $400k was largely targeted and applied singularly toward democratic voting precincts violating the equal protection clause under the US constitution. If convicted, Zuckerberg could serve time for interfering in US elections.

Credits: White House Press, Newsmax, Epoch Times

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