7/25/01, Alex Jones: Globalists, Government, Terrorism, Bin Ladin, World Trade Center, airliners

3 years ago

Alex Jones, 7/25/2001: Globalists, Government planning Terrorism, Osama bin Ladin, Saudi Arabia, World Trade Center, airliners, etc. "WE KNOW WHO TO BLAME!"

He was predicting big brother tyranny, the government killing people or letting them die to give the government an excuse to consolidate power, invade our privacy, censor our speech, and take our guns.

On 9/11/2001 the towers came down.

In 2007, PRISM secret Big Tech collaboration with US government for surveillance began.

In 2010, he was warning of this.

In 2011, Person of Interest "science fiction" TV Show began airing, which portrayed a machine created by the Federal government in the wake of 9/11 that was capable of collating all sources of information to predict terrorist acts and to identify people planning them.

In 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked the existence of PRISM and warned that the extent of mass data collection was far greater than the public knew and included dangerous and criminal activities.

He is able to predict these things by paying attention to official statements made by globalists, mockingbird media, and Hollywood predictive programming.
#AlexJonesPredictions #AlexJonesWasRight

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