Christ Alignment Elohim, Jesus, Masters and the Sons of God Discussed: 0109 18102021 01

3 years ago

1. A commonly used term and a not so common occurrence, is that of ascension, but is the ascended (Master) soul the same as a Son of God?
2. The new age movement accredits many Masters of Wisdom who have ascended at the same level of authority or development/influence as Yeshua (Jesus). This we need to discuss.
3. The new age movement was infiltrated long ago by the enemy and in their haste to level the spiritual playing fields and find lateral equivalency in all things religious they had to designate Yeshua as yet another ascended Master type or just that of a higher being. He is usually depicted in this modality as someone on a high council along with others.
4. We know that there have been previous great souls come to the planet surface bringing their wisdom and truth way back in the past to us at various times of planetary unfoldment. Some were reported to be of a virgin birth with the Holy Spirit seeding itself into a prepared and selected gene pool to effect this.
5. It has been widely reported in a number of gnostic truths that souls do in fact by reaching a level of perfection or wisdom and they by a natural process leave by raising their frequency of the physical body to the point of becoming invisible, this is called melting, it is also called ascension.
6. This is the attainment of a Christ like status in the universe but does it make you a risen Son of God? According to scripture yes it does. John 1:12
7. There are just too many anomalies in the story of Yeshua that clearly indicate that this was not just a soul developing and changing in truths to a point of not needing this world and its attractions any longer but a deeper more pertinent message. He came to give the Shekinah will consciousness of the Father to those appointed for it. John 1:12
8. Here is a list of some of the reasons why Yeshua is not just a developed being with the spiritual ability to ascend on completion of a life, but came from and with specific purpose that circumvented the life of a developing person:
I. Predicted as the Messiah Old Testament. Twenty-five Psalms relate to the birth, life, nature betrayal, resurrection, exultation.
II. Announced by an Archangel to Joseph Mary and Elizabeth – virgin birth. Matthew 1: 20 & Luke 1: 26-38 39-45
III. Miracles documented. John 12:37
IV. Born with wisdom – at the temple as a 12-year-old discussing sacred texts.
V. Announced to the three wise men, Matthew 2: 1-16
VI. He taught prayer and how to pray, Luke 11:1-13
VII. He was the only begotten son of God, born as a son of God already, 1 John 4:9 John 3:8
VIII. He will sit at the right hand of the Father, 2 Peter 1:17
IX. He amended the commandments given to Moses, Matthew 22:40
X. He had the authority to go below after his crucifixion. Matthew 12:40
XI. Could create a place in heaven for souls to go to on earth life completion, John: 14:2-3
XII. He granted the comforter to his followers, John 15:26 John 14:26
XIII. He rose from the dead and then ascended. Matthew 27:63
XIV. I go to my Father, (ie he did not just ascend and go to heaven): John 20:17 John 16:10 John 14:12
XV. “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased” Matt 3:7 Matt 17:5
XVI. Upon his earthly passing there was an earthquake and the temple curtain split, breaking the veil of ignorance. Mark 15:33
XVII. He rebuilt the temple – as he said he would John 2: 19-20, Mark 13:1-2, Acts 6:14
XVIII. He proved that the temple is ISRAEL the body of man – by rebuilding it. 1 Corinthians 6:19
XIX. He proved that being man and then God (son of) we are the temple (image and likeness Gen 1:26-27, James 3:9, DNA) of the highest.
XX. Maintaining the bond of body and blood as sacrifice to YHWH in the remembrance ritual as the rite of holy communion. 1 Cor. 11:26
9. As Derek Prince said he was a blood sacrifice to close that era or epoch of blood sacrifices where a request or change had to be accompanied with a blood sacrifice which was the way with the Jewish religion but also the way of demonic ritual, Yeshua came and changed that and paid the price for humanity to come for it. But of course, this worked the plan to die as man and ascend as God-Man a risen Christ. And in so doing broke not only fear of death but broke the emotion of guilt as he paid for all sin, fear and guilt there and then.
10. This is just off the top of my head for now, we have to go deeper to examine Yeshua’s place in the greater hierarchy in the heavenly bodies and organisation of YHWH and the heavenly hosts.
11. Kodoish kodoish kodoish Adonai Tsebeyoth – Holy Holy Holy the lord God of Hosts.
Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8.
12. We know that there is are actual hierarchical organisations above us, we just don’t sit on a cloud plucking a harp when we leave here on a higher journey.
13. Yeshua has always sat on the right hand of the Father (YHWH), the right hand is very popular and discussed a lot lately, as it’s the right hand that needs discussing.
I. Right hand of God the Father – will, action, trust, power, all testaments
II. Right hand of the beast the – will, action of doing ie living, trusted to be….
III. Right hand Old Testament – action / trust, the will of….
The Messiah will be exalted to the right hand of God (Psalm 80:17; 110:1, 5; Acts 5:31). This is the proof that even if Yeshua came as a high priest Son of God via the Melchizedek order, he returned to a state of being the right hand of YHWH – God the Father.
14. If someone is at or operating on the right hand then the will of something is being carried out in action, responding to the thought or consciousness (will) of the mind (forehead) Revelation 9:4, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 22:4
15. Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing, Matthew 6:3 – do not let the intellect interfere, be that of the spiritual aspect of the self or the emotional belief/knowingness aspect.
16. We can start to see why so many souls inhabit the earth currently as many souls as a last chance to see where they go as the earth is about to go massive remodelling on an epic scale and the demons can’t do much about it.
17. Let’s go back to ascension, I can say that you won’t progress beyond if you have not completed this level of development, not everyone at higher levels took their physical body with them but created new expressions for themselves once there, or were able to develop into their Christ body in a heavenly realm. See earlier pod casts in this regard.
18. It’s from these 144,000 ascended masters (sealed with the mark of God, Rev 7:3-8) that the relay stations of consciousness are drawn through the various councils, that services the need of sustaining consciousness as human life here on earth.
19. We do understand that we draw to us our higher body as we progress in our development to the point where we meld with it. We are created in the image and the likeness of our Eloha/Elohim creator.
20. We know that as hosts of the lord many groups or councils exist to perform many functions of the Elohim to break down or reconstitute energy or to transmit energy or consciousness or to re make from diffuse matter new substances etc etc. 2 Samuel 5:10, 2 Samuel 6:18. 2 Samuel 7:26, 1 Kings 18:15, Psalms 24:10, Isaiah 10:33, Isaiah 37:16 We have to look to see where and what role does Yeshua perform today. We know that the beheaded saints described in the book of Revelations who demanded justice were in sight of the councils and hosts of the throne of God clothed in white and washed clean by the blood of the lamb, Revelation 7:14.
21. These hierarchical groups have the control and authority to group and protect individuals down here on earth who become close to or become Sons of God status, as the vibration emitted by spiritually aware souls here on earth makes the enemy very uncomfortable and may mean you could be liable for attack or continuous harassment by them. The antidote to this is by gaining recognition to these hosts responsible for the development of souls and protect them while here on earth and protect the transition of such souls beyond this earth on completion.
22. He is the Son of God, his role is that of the right hand of the Father (YHWH) he has a number of controlling functions, consciousness, the earth souls’ gates to higher heavens. Development of consciousness, protection, soul contracts, terra forming. He at the right hand is responsible for passing light conscious ness to the councils or hosts – remember he is of consciousness and in action. From him consciousness is separated into levels and transmitted or relayed to earth and all souls around it by the various hosts or councils, Gods new age is the change to existing consciousness and energy with the addition of more and yet higher frequencies of light (greater will) to us and correspondingly to the earth.
John 14:16
23. He came through the priest order of Melchizedek, the function attributed to them is the of the Shekinah light that is to be imbued into the children of Israel as the next level of mankind’s progression back to the Almighty Father YHWH. The Holy Communion sacrament rite of bread and wine comes from the Order of Melchizedek. Genesis 14:18
24. The only begotten Son of the Father (YHWH) means the only Son of Father level that came back to earth break the old ideas and start new growth. As Yeshua actually holds the earth in his hand then and is going to separate and take up all the wheat from the tares, only an Elohim creator can do this as far as I am informed or allowed to know.
25. We know that there are many life streams and some beings are directly involved with the creation of terra forming and making of atomic structure and with the use of atoms and granting rudimentary consciousness onto new places and well as making dimensions for inhabitation, there are co-creator Elohim involved in every stage and phase of life evolvement for the development of consciousness as Yeshua did for us in his active role for YHWH here on earth. A role and responsibility so important that he sent a direct Son of Himself (A Son of Man) to do this, not just a Son but a level of sonship in a personality that could effectively have the authority to grant unto the mass of humanity he was influencing the (as opposed to a few advanced beings previously) will of the Father to prepared souls for this purpose. His role was that of preparing and then reawakening of souls that were placed here specifically for this purpose.
26. Adonai Yeshua accomplished much in his tenure here on Earth, as he led by example, he accomplished more by demonstration of truth in consciousness than just awareness.
27. This means that Yeshua is the Eloha responsible for dispensing the will of the Father when appropriate in the development of humanity. Not just carrying out the Fathers will and being the will of the Father in the begotten physical sense but Adonai Yeshua governs the transmission of the will for the Father to and through hosts or councils to us.
28. Many gnostic teachings allow us to know that we develop a new body/garment of light, this can be above us or far away above depending on how developed we are as ourselves now. We know that this body as it develops (by dint of overcoming tasks assigned and agreed to by us in a light life contract) and becomes available to us (or for us) looks to be in the image of Yeshua. This would not be as an ascended master but at the Elohim co-creator image and likeness sense of being.
29. Both Yeshua and Jesus are Holy names – they resonate in the light life of our expression in the first expression of (HU)MAN.
30. We have to understand that scripture gives us the Holy Spirit and it also grants worked examples of what can be accomplished by it. The Holy Book gives us our new consciousness and how to attain and maintain it with examples of reasoning, wisdom and attitude.
31. Once we have this it should serve as a guide book to how to receive and trust Holy words and guidance from the Holy Spirit that is as its pertinent to your life, it may not be directly referenced in scripture only the understanding that you are undergoing is. So don’t bring your life to a standstill just because you cannot find sufficient evidence of your life in the Bible, pursue a life fit for its will in your life, if it’s felt that the bible does not tell you anything then clearly you are pursuing the wrong path or the ego has closed in around you and you are looking for something to support your life as it is and that’s an error.
32. The resurrection of Yeshua was as much symbolic as it was real, the Order of Melchizedek is responsible for not only introducing the Shekinah Spirit to civilisations but also for its re-resurrection in existing civilizations.
33. So in conclusion we can see that “Son of God” is a term used for those who have reached a state of development in Christ Consciousness and have subdued themselves and submitted themselves to this life as directed by the will of the Holy Spirit as a permanent way of personal yet impersonal expression. Assuming the personality and ways of the Father in human expression and Adamic form.
34. Trinity of God: God Almighty – Jesus – Holy Spirit or YHWH – Yeshua - Shekinah
NT Research:
1. Matthew 16:16
2. Matthew 16:27
3. Mark 3:11
4. Mark 8:38
5. Luke 1:35
6. Luke 3:38
7. Luke 22:69
8. Luke 22:70
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

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