#SmartReads | Bin Laden's Pre-9-11 London HQ | Secret Affairs by Mark Curtis

3 years ago

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This episode features "Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam", a 2010 book authored by Mark Curtis, in which evidence is identified which is unsettling to the official narratives of the War on Terror; specifically Curtis points out Osama bin Laden's HQ in London pre-9-11, from which bin Laden choreographed his propaganda network, in line with British Intelligence. Also in the prior episode of this series, we examined how the British Empire traditionally has groomed Arab proxy forces for gaining leverage in International Relations, and how the U.S. got sucked into that whirlpool of deceit. #SmartReads presents quoteworthy artifacts containing useful knowledge which ignites your potential and empowers you to grow in the light direction. More #SmartReads:
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