Dr. Richard Urso: People without symptoms spread immunity, not disease

3 years ago

The danger of an infectious disease on a person is partly determined by the amount of a pathogen they are exposed to. This amount is also called viral dose or inoculum. When you're exposed to a small amount of a pathogen, you tend not to become sick, but your immune system may get to recognize this pathogen, leaving you better protected for future exposures. When you're exposed to a huge amount of a pathogen, you may become very ill. The latter can happen when you're in a badly ventilated space with dry air and highly infectious people for a long time.

(The evidence points to the fact that ALL respiratory infections are transmitted mainly through the air, i.e. they're airborne, even if this is not the 'scientific consensus' among scientists who still believe in the flat earth theory of dominant big droplet transmission.)

The spread of naturally acquired immunity through exposure to small doses of (fragments of) a pathogen is also called micro vaccination. Infection prevention, if this is even possible, means prevention of naturally acquired immunity, which leaves people vulnerable. When you're only exposed to extremely low loads of pathogens for a long time, your immune system may become weaker due to lack of 'exercise'. also called atrophy. Now you're more at risk of future infectious disease.

Asymptomatic carriers of a pathogen (i.e. people without symptoms) tend to be minimally infectious, thus they are safe for others except the very high risk groups. These people are not the drivers of epidemics. Testing and tracing asymptomatic people is a stupid idea. (So is testing sick people and then not treating them until their lips turn blue.) Only people who make huge amounts of money from senseless tests and others who have perverse incentives, such as Big Pharma, profit by mass testing of asymptomatic people.

In conclusion, the idea that we must 'stop the spread' of a pathogen is an asinine endeavor, because not only are the social and economic costs huge, but it's also counterproductive since it limits the spread of naturally acquired immunity. (The 'zero COVID' strategy has about an equal chance of success as getting the earth to stop rotating.) It is a good idea to stop unnecessary disease and death, whilst still building naturally acquired immunity in the low risk population.

It is by now absolutely clear how to achieve this. It can should be done through VOLUNTARY measures that are both unharmful, extremely effective and have POSITIVE side effects, such as adequate ventilation, optimal humidity (RH between 40% and 60%), adequate vitamin D blood levels (>50 ng/ml), early intensive combination treatment, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, voluntary focused protecting of the high risk group whilst the low risk group acquires natural immunity, prophylaxis, etc.

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