Adrenochrome, the Elites super drug

2 years ago

1. Adrenochrome The Elite's Secret Super Drug! Documentary. This is such a hot potato that even alternative media is reluctant to talk about it.
2. Seeing through the smokescreen of government, media and corporate lies is Max's stock in trade. For many years, he has spoken out about the way in which we've all been fooled by the mainstream narrative. Listen specially 8 min into the interview.
3. The globalists / cabal / illuminati have tricked us into buying and using the technology they need to implement the New World Order. Watch Max Igan and Wake Up Planet explain one simple thing that you can do to massively disrupt their plans and to protect our freedoms. Stop using your smartphone.
4. You dont want grapheneoxide in the jabs ? Then we put it in your food.
5. La Quinta Columna - Discussing Vaccine Shedding and Effects on Unvaccinated people! How grapheneoxide can radiate.

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