on such a higher plane, people assume i'm insane (piano punk in the parking lot)

3 years ago

what's the point if i stress about it
i'd give anything to go back to where i came from
i can multi-task out the ass
congrats you're in that class
wish i could throw ya a pizza party
we're all children still
on such a higher plane that people assume i'm insane
the world doesn't know enough
i can feel Him speaking thru me
cluster A all the way
i break my own rules haha
not a fan of order but i understand the purpose of it
see me cryin and assume i need to be on sumin
makes me so sad they forsake every good thing they coulda had
every 45min
amy you dumb bitch
all this technology popped up outta nowhere (ie "pandemic")
our car light is dead and never coming back

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