Republic of Spain National Anthem (1931-1939; Instrumental) Himno de Riego

2 years ago

The "Himno de Riego" ("Anthem of Riego") is a song dating from the Liberal Triennium and named in honour of Colonel Rafael del Riego, composed by José Melchor Gomis to lyrics by Evaristo Fernández de San Miguel . It was the national anthem of Spain during the Trienio Liberal (1820–1823) and the First (1873-1874) and Second (1931–1939) Spanish Republics. It was also used by the Republican Government in Exile (1939-1977).

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Serene and happy, brave and daring,
Let us sing, soldiers, the battle hymn.
The world is astonished at our voices
And in us it beholds the sons of the Cid.

Soldiers, the homeland calls us to the fight.
Let us swear for her sake to triumph or to die.

National Anthem of Spanish Republic / Himno Nacional de la Republica Española / Hymne de la République Espagnole / Inno della Repubblica Spagnola /

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