October 17, 2021

3 years ago

NW-700 Neewer condenser mic a 12 month perspective review

OK my full disclaimer will be a the end of this video basically I payed for this my self and no one knows i am doing a review
also today I am just going to review the mic in this video and will review and go into detail about the Audio interface, stand and other accessory in a latter video

Ok so you want to get into podcasting or making some videos with voice overs and you need a microphone but your wallet is as empty as mine

NW-700 and now ya saying well hell that's a good price but its probably total garbage and I will prob just waist my cash on this junk and have to chuck it in the bin and then buy a better one ?

Well I have been using this mic for the last 12 months and I am going to give you my thoughts on it

now there is a huge variety of kits that come with these u can get just the mic or u can get a stand and mic and the one I got was this kit with the Audio interface .

Now trust me when I say I was not expecting much for my 50 bucks after all mics can cost well over a grand with out even trying …

saying to my self I just need a couple of months use out of this and ill upgrade ..

1st thing I noticed about this mic is its pretty good looking it dose not look like a $20 microphone
its all metal and weighs quite a bit at over 300 gm which surprised me I was expecting it to be plastic ..

2nd thing I noticed was actually how good the shock mount is .. it holds the mic very tight I was expecting this this be lose and sloppy and basically useless …

Every thing i say in my videos are my own opinions
and my not reflect the view of anyone else including
those who host my content..The manufactures,wholesales
& retailers have no idea who the frog i am and have not
asked me to review any of their products..
I bought this with my own money
without any body prier knowledge ..
I don't get any discounts, freebies,
back handers, circle jerks or reach around.

How Ever if u would like to give me a bribe by the
means above please contact me below lol

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