Dr. Daniel Nagase - BC ER MD - Saves 3 COVID Patients With Ivermectin, Vitamin C, D & Zinc

3 years ago

Dr. Daniel Nagase - BC ER MD - Saves lives of 3 elderly patients. Two in their 70s and one 95 years old. There is something malicious going on said Dr. Nogase.

~All it took was 18 hours and one dose of Ivermectin to make three COVID patients better. Two of whom were able to get up and walk around within hours the 95 year old stabilized. But the Alberta Government and Alberta Medical Association for some bizarre reason doesn't want COVID patients to be properly treated and cured. Think about that and ask WHY?

~Dr. Nagase used Hydroxychloroquine until Ivermectin became available, Vitamin C, D, Zinc and Salbutamol and Ventolin. And finally gave the patients Azithromycin (antibiotic). Within hours two of the patients were getting better and walking around. The 95 year old remained the same.

~The Alberta Medical body did everything to stop Dr. Nagase from using the drugs he prescribed and had administered to his three patients who immediately began to improve!

~Pharmacist couldn't find any Ivermectin from the usual chemical supply so the Pharmacist found the exact same Ivermectin at an Agricultural Supply. Checked it and made sure it was the same Ivermectin a Pharmacy would give to a person. It was. He would take it and would give it to his own mother.

~Within hours, Dr. Nagase received a call from the Central Zone Medical Director in Alberta, Dr. Jennifer Bestard who said Dr. Nagase was forbidden from giving Ivermectin to patients, despite never meeting the patients and knowing nothing about them! She repeated, Ivermectin was forbidden from the Hospital!!!

~According to Dr. Jennifer Bestard, patients are not allowed to have Ivermectin, even if it's their own! She said it was in violation of the Alberta Health Service Policy to give Ivermectin for COVID!

~The next day, Dr. Jennifer Bestard called the Hospital and gave Dr. Daniel Nagase 15 minutes to clear out despite having an ER full of patients!

~An hour later another Doctor showed up to replace Dr. Nogase. She took away the bronchial dilators and the antibiotics from patients with difficulty breathing and lung infections and stopped all the vitamins!

~The 95 year old patient stayed the same, but she did not get worse like the night before.

~Medical Director Dr. Francois Belanger of Albert Health Services banned Dr. Daniel Nagase from Hospital practice in Alberta for prescribing Ivermectin and saving three lives deathly sick with COVID!

~Dr. Nagase filed a complaint against the Alberta Pharmacy Director, who ignored an 11 page study that showed ZERO COVID deaths after administering Ivermectin. A complaint also sent to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta about the Pharmacy Director denying the use of Ivermectin to cure patients sick with COVID.

~Week later, the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons forbade Doctors and Pharmacists from giving patients Ivermectin.

~We must remember. We are here to remember the 75th anniversary of Nuremberg.

~Prior to Dr. Nagase getting involved, these three patients were put on oxygen and a steroid which suppresses the body's immune system which leads to bacterial infection in the lungs an inability of the body to fight infection and certain death.

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