Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide episode that Got Alex Jones Banned!

3 years ago

The biggest lie is that you are told - There is no cure for the common cold or flu

There is a cure that they cannot patent & sell besides its too cheap

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide “cures against ALL respiratory infections like the common colds/flu, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, chest infections”.

No ones needs to suffer from these diseases ever again!

Hydrogen peroxide will kill the viruses and bacteria that cause the disease and will clear your airways

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide treats all breathing issues like asthma, COPD better than any inhaled steroids, nasal sprays

No need to buy over the counter snake oil ever again, No need to take flu shots or vaccines ever again,

Pharmaceutical's only clear your airways BUT DO NOT KILL THE VIRUSES & BACTERIA that is the root cause, so they build up again and you continuously buy more drugs its a never ending cycle, nebulizing hydrogen peroxide stops the cycle without any side affects and is non addictive!

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