DSG - The Fall Flower MUM

3 years ago

The perfect fall flower is definitely the Chrysanthemum, "mum". Don't be intimated by the size, shape and color, as they are very easy to manage, once you know a few super simple techniques. By following a few basic steps in the month of May (which I need to do), you can have great color every year starting in September and throughout the Fall.
A great rule of thumb is cutting back your new spring growth 3 times , with 1st cut around Memorial Day, 2nd cut July 4th and 3rd cut First week of August. (Southern gals start a few weeks earlier and end on July 4th). Just remember how important it is to get outside for a few minutes and enjoy the feel of nature ( Vitamin D) on your skin and being unplugged. That's the main goal in nature therapy. Right?

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