Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Online Alatreon Hunt (Recorded on 10/14/18)

3 years ago

I purchased Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate for the Switch on its release date back in August, but I've just now gotten around to uploading some footage. I started playing this series on the Wii with Monster Hunter 3 back in 2010, and I continued with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the Wii U.

However, I skipped Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (because Nintendo was refusing to release the regular-size New 3DS in America at the time), and went straight to Monster Hunter Generations in late 2016. Luckily, Capcom released a transfer tool that allowed me to transfer my Generations data to Generations Ultimate so I wouldn't have to start from the beginning again.

I've always been fond of the Alatreon armor ever since I started playing this series, so I've made it a tradition to obtain the armor in each game. I could easily hunt this monster in my sleep after fighting it in four total games.

In this video I killed a G-rank Alatreon to help forge my Escadora XR armor (my set is now complete).

The members of this hunt were:

Mike (Me - Switch Axe)
Azuma (Dual Blades)
Dresden (Hammer)
Shinryu (Great Sword)

I'm using Hellblade armor and a Daora's Ajniha switch axe.

Recorded with the Elgato Game Capture HD60 and the Switch's HDMI cable at native 1080p resolution. I'm using a Pro Controller.

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