“PROPHETIC FAST TRACK: Rapture!” Bible Prophecy Update (2021) w/ Dr. Bruce Ruisi

3 years ago

Bible Prophecy Update (2021) w/ Dr. Bruce Ruisi || We are now officially on the “PROPHETIC FAST TRACK" to the Rapture!!! "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (TRIBULATION), except there come a falling away (DEPARTURE) first, and (THEN) that man of sin (ANTICHRIST) be revealed". 2 Thessalonians 2:3

In today's "End Times For The Believer" bible prophecy update, Dr. Bruce Ruisi discusses what we can now agree is in the final stages of labor pains that will ultimately give birth the final 7 year tribulation, otherwise known as Jacob's (Israel's) trouble. With recent developments in Afghanistan and the Middle East, America is officially on her way out as the world's leading superpower and military might, leaving the geopolitical stage exactly where the bible describes it would be in at the time of the very end. But Dr. Ruisi takes it a step further to elaborate how what we are seeing play out in the world today had to happen in order for God's plan to be fulfilled. So while it is a painful process for believers to experience, we know that when we see these things begin to take place then we must "look up and lift up our heads" for our redemption draws nigh...even at the doors!!! Dr. Ruisi concludes this week's update with an encouraging Word for us believers during these trying times, and that is to remember "IT IS FINISHED".

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It is a weekly end times bible prophecy update led by Dr. Bruce Ruisi of Sheepsong Ministries that is designed to equip the believer with a hopeful perspective of the end times. Many Christians relate bible prophecy to "doom and gloom", and for the unbeliever, this may be true. But for the believer, this is the most exciting time to be alive. God chose us to be present for this final generation, and for good reason. We are to fight the good fight of faith, and lead as many to the cross as we can before the judgement falls upon the world.


Luke 15, “reaching the one’s among the 99” is our mission. Sheepsong Ministries is a 501(C)(3) non-profit humanitarian organization committed to reaching the world for Christ through media, music-related outreach, street team evangelism, and missionary endeavors. To date, Sheepsong Ministries has held over 500 inner-city music outreaches, and is responsible for distributing thousands of meals to those in need. In 2019 the Lord began redirecting Sheepsong Ministries, and shifted its’ primary outreach from local to global. After launching channels throughout multiple media related platforms, Sheepsong Ministries is now able to provide weekly prophecy updates and regularly recorded worship sessions to the world. Throughout the last 11 years, we have seen countless lives radically changed for Christ through our weekly outreach.

Dr. David Jeremiah: https://www.youtube.com/user/drdavidjeremiah
Hal Lindsey: https://www.hallindsey.com
Jan Markell: https://www.youtube.com/user/OliveTreeMinistries
J.D. Farag: https://www.youtube.com/user/alohabibleprophecy
Dr. Gary Stearman: https://www.youtube.com/user/prophecywatchers

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