October 17, 2021 Michaelmas 3/Trinity 21

3 years ago

The Faith of the Nobleman
The whole world is in Your power;
O Lord, King Almighty, no one can gainsay You.
For You have made heav'n and earth;
You are Lord of all!
(Apocraphal Esther 13:9-11)
Remember, after the live broadcast, you can play this video back and hit pause if there are things you wish to check on the text feeds.
Our Service is Rite 2
page 60 in the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary
21 "To God Be Glory" https://hymnary.org/hymn/ELH1996/21
518 "Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You" https://hymnary.org/hymn/ELH1996/518

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