2021 10 17 John Haller's Prophecy Update “The Convergence of Looming Catastrophes”

3 years ago

There is a quickening of catastrophic world events, both natural and man-made, that are creating a prophetic vortex of which the world has never seen. Volcanic islands that could drop into the sea, scientists that think we can merge machine into man to make him immortal, and a demographic transformation that some say is the Second Leg of Jihad that will swallow all of Europe and spew out a barbaric and antiquate theocracy that subjugates women and children and which intends to exterminate Western society if allowed to go unchecked. And with the blatant dislike of America by the administration in DC, it simply throws fuel on the fire. The big question is...if you planned to destroy America...what would you do differently than has been done in the past 9 months? Harrowing thought, isn't it?

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