Britney Spears' Conservatorship Changes Won't Affect Custody, Says K-Fed's Lawyer.

3 years ago

Britney Spears' Conservatorship Changes Won't Affect Custody, Says K-Fed's Lawyer.
Britney Spears is heading toward major life changes, but one thing that will remain constant is the custody arrangement for her 2 sons...
at least according to Kevin Federline 's attorney.
Mark Vincent Kaplan tells TMZ...
even if Britney's conservatorship is dissolved next month, as she and others expect, the custody agreement she and K-Fed have for their boys -- Sean Preston and Jayden James -- will likely not be impacted, partly because of their ages.
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Kaplan says teenagers -- the boys are 16 and 15 -- get a lot of say in court about what's best for them...
and, basically, the current arrangement ain't broke, so no one's looking to fix it.
As things are now, and have been for years, Britney and Kevin's agreement is she sees the boys based on when she wants to see them...

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