5Million Racing IMSA, 7Million Sponsoring Modifieds, 6Million More on Sheldon Creed

2 years ago

Who We Are:
The New Hampshire AFL-CIO is the state body of the national AFL-CIO. As the state’s largest labor federation, we represent affiliated local unions and their New Hampshire members.

What We Do:
We encourage the organization of all workers so that they may equally share in the benefits of union organization; work to increase public understanding of the labor movement and its contributions to society; advocate for legislation and policies which will safeguard and promote the principle of collective bargaining, the rights of workers and consumers, and the security and welfare of all working people; and oppose legislation harmful to these objectives.

Our Vision:
The New Hampshire AFL-CIO is a diverse social justice organization that is committed to the dignity of all and united in the struggle to improve the lives of working families and our communities.

Our Mission:
As a strong statewide voice for all working people, the New Hampshire AFL-CIO brings together the unions of New Hampshire into one labor movement that fights for economic and social justice in our workplaces, and communities. No worker, no union fights alone.

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