Living Organism : The Thing in Faculty - Prometheus Invasion of the Tri-Pods Parasite (Fear based)

3 years ago

Dr. Franc Zalewski Another 'LIFE FORM' Parasitic Organism found in the COVID VAX VIALS
The Things Could be Inside Your Body if comply - Life form in vials and High Frequency Antenna
Imagine when one spending so much time looking for aliens and they're right in some of their bodies.

Dr. Botha mentioned treatment for vaxxed while speaking to Stew, here are her recommendations:
Treatment for vaccine injury
Food grade hydrogen peroxide
Molecular hydrogen therapy
Ozone therapy
Important to support the heart with potassium
Selenium is also good at detoxification of cells
Chelation therapy

Aluminium Based Lifeforms Found In Vaccines Under Microscope
Complete Original video post on Oct 5 without subtitle (Polish?)
Contact scientist: or
Many people may be aware by now of the strange “hydra” like parasite that was found in the COVID vaccines by Dr. Carrie Madej and a few other researchers/scientists – Carrie Madej has been an outspoken proponent against vaccines and has appeared in many interviews and events in order to alert the public about these dangerous injections. Parasite that may have been identified as “hydra vulgaris”
Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccines | Dr. Franc Zalewski: “That’s Why There’s Graphene Added Inside the Vaccines, Which Nourishes the Egg”
Dr. Franc Zalewski claims to have found an aluminum/carbon based life-form in the COVID vaccines. He also presents several questions as to why they are only found in some vaccines. Some vaccines, he says, they could only find a saline solution.
This poses a theory that a wide-spread legitimate parasite-infected vaccine would cause too many detrimental side effects all at once – thus would be quite alarming to the public, and so tptsb interspersed their investigational/experimental parasite-laced vaccine with saline solutions in order to spare some from the detrimental implications of these side effects and deaths, but only to reintroduce it later with 2nd shots and ongoing booster shots.
This, of course, is just a hypothesis; but seeing all of the manipulation and gaslighting and enforcing of the vaccine mandates, when it is NOT NEEDED, the alternative reasons “for health” are getting fewer and fewer to justify. Also keep in mind the radical attempts from the NIH, CDC, etc. to ban Ivermectin in treating COVID and vaccinated people, a well-known and approved drug that has been on the market for YEARS, that just so happens to work against parasites…
But another hypothesis that Franc Zalewski raises is that these parasitic creatures may not show up until suitable living conditions are met. Namely, mixed into a host, along with graphene.
He doesn’t mince words. He doesn’t sugarcoat his findings. He is raising the alarm that everyone who has taken these vaccines have the possibility of these beings growing inside of you.
Some embellishment has been added for emphasis.
All quotes by Dr. Franc Zalewski:
First CV Sample: “And here we can see a hole (because graphite tape used as a surface) I noticed a lot of crystals, but some so “aggressive” that even the graphite melted somewhat. And I thought I found something. Of course I conducted tests and it turned out to be salt; this fluid turned out to be a saline solution. Nothing else inside.
So I continued… So in the first sample there was nothing found, everything dried up, and even the salt couldn’t be noticed anymore… so the composition of the fluid varies.”
Second CV Sample: “In the second sample I found a lot of crystals. And here we can see the results: They consist of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). This is what we call regular cooking salt. So the fluid contains only a saline solution. But I was searching for something else, and as always I have found something. And I found this:
This is what I found: “The Thing”.
Where is my marker? We need to write “that something” down with big and bold letters.
I continued my studies, and conducted tests. What is that thing? It seems to have a head and three legs. I conducted tests, of the head(1) and (2),(3),(4) and those are the results: It’s aluminum and carbon …excuse me, I got my tool.”
[Dr Franc Zalewski writes on presentation board]: “THE THING”
“The faint-hearted ones may leave the room.
No, without jokes.
The results of the following tests are: aluminum, bromine [reader corrects this term to mean boron], and carbon. That means that “something” has its legs in different colors. Here we have the test results of that “thing”. [holds a demonstration object] This is 1/10th of it. If the head here is 2mm, then the legs/tapes are 25m. The head 2mm, and the tapes 25m. Like that.”
“And I’m thinking: “What kind of being is that?” Is “the thing” something like this creature with claws that kills people? Or something that is shown in “The Matrix” that flies, and has tentacles, and attaches itself to other things?
“That thing” is this here.”
Welcome friends. This is “The Thing” which I tested in those samples.
Yes? Shocked?
“That thing” is being given to people in the vaccines, but in eggs. I was searching for its eggs. And they should have a suitable environment. If the injection is tested on a bare dish, nothing happens, and the eggs couldn’t be found. Perhaps they weren’t inside the injection, because some of them are pure saline solutions.
But if tested on a graphite tape… That’s why there’s graphene added inside the vaccines which nourishes the eggs.
And dear vaccinated ladies and gentlemen, you may faint now… Something like that is going to develop inside of you.
And the head is going to have 20 microns [µ], and the length 2.5mm (the tentacles).
This is a life form.
And now you should ask yourself… Too little? Coincidence… Franc just got it?… even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes…
I marked the vials number 1, 2, and 3. Only in the third one was “that thing” inside. And it grew/developed 4 days. Then it is put into a sputtering chamber. There the temperature is high, so that the graphite is sputtered, so the electric arc burns.
Another one! If it was only one… but here we can see another one… We can see the head and legs coming out of it. The scale is 30 microns [µ].
“The thing” has found fertile ground. And here we have “that thing”, it’s smiling at us. Here is the head and here the tentacles. Here is another one, and the colorful tentacles. And it is made of aluminum and carbon. Do we know any aluminum-based lifeforms?
We do now. The majority of people already have it inside of their bodies. The majority that took it voluntarily…
I am very happy that we gathered here and that I could present to you “that thing”.
And again “the thing” inside of another sample. Is this a plant? Dust? “A being” given to people in eggs in a fertile/suitable environment. Somewhere close by there might be some sort of signal which caused that being to start living. Just as pinecone seeds won’t grow unless they will be in a suitable environment on fertile ground, the same “that thing” seems to not be moving. It may be dormant/sleeping.
Who is willing to have “that” inside of you?
Many of you have already chosen and received it… Welcome. I hope it won’t be activated.
Let us continue with the next tests and points. Here we have aluminum-based lifeforms. Do we know any aluminum-based lifeforms? I’m asking the smartest representatives of this world. Let them present it… but not in secret.
This is the end of a tentacle/leg. The way it is build, it’s not jagged. It is built like that. It ends with a paw… And it is made of aluminum. 100% aluminum. We now have aluminum-based beings which are inside of us. [Dr. Zalewski corrects himself at a later time claiming that the end of the tentacle is carbon-based instead of aluminum-based.]
Here we have 10 microns and this is the leg. The length of this beings’ leg is around 2.5mm.
This is only life… but different. Will it be benevolent?
Perhaps we should hang up a poster somewhere here… For everyone to surrender to euthanasia voluntarily?
The criminals of this world… you hear well…
Those are the results of the tests: It is made of carbon. Excuse me, I meant carbon, not aluminum, but the end is made of carbon only. I made a mistake.
This is the brand that is manufacturing this “healing potion” for our happiness and well-being. [shows slide of Pfizer vaccines]. This is from this brand.
And now it’s worth to ask, why some people get an injection with only a saline solution, and why some get something else – eggs.
But this is not for me to find out. I’m a seeker of the truth, but not of this world. This world, we have to realize, is almost already lost.
Just look at the statistics. How many people have already taken it.
Yes, we do have a lot of bacteria and viruses which we have to cope with. And we continue to live. But no one was giving them to us artificially. Now, the majority took it voluntarily.
Do you want to have a being like that inside of you? It has pretty colors, one can take care of it… But it hasn’t been created to just sit there and to do nothing. It also wants to live and multiply… you need to realize that.

Check out detox method
What to watch next: Former Pfizer employee

"Early Treatment Protocols"
AAPS has put together most of the early treatment protocols that I am aware of. Nicely done!
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Covid-19 Treatment Protocol
Amazing information and support to fight the COVID hoax + download form to refuse COVID-19 Vaccine
Fight the Mandates site

Private/Incognito Mode to search world wide serious side effects, the last time I checked, USA alone was 1.1millions (founded by WHO)
No Vax Job Boards: (vax optional)
Resume builder:

Research-backed formulas made with the cleanest ingredients from science and nature. First order on Kion of $80+ and get $20 off

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