Destroying Compromise in My Church

2 years ago

Destroying Compromise in My Church

Thank You, Lord, for the strong confirmation on the state of your Church. For those who are appointed to carry on, please give us the grace to live and teach Your Gospels to reach all nations, free of personal interest and corruption. Amen.

Well, dear ones. This is an interesting message. It just kind of popped up. I wasn't expecting it.

One of our priests, who comes from a strong Roman Catholic background, wrote to us.

He said, "I know how to celebrate the Lord's supper and the Roman rite. But I continue to watch with amazement the Orthodox rite and read daily prayers from some Orthodox apps. But what are your suggestions on what to pray daily if it is just myself? Dailies, like vesper, paraclesis, akathist, and special devotional prayer. St. Basil, John, Mark & James?"

Wow. I couldn't even say that last word...

Well, I replied to him, because Father Bishop asked me to reply to him.

I said, "Dearest Father. I have written to you before and asked that you celebrate a simple mass. This is about the Heart. Getting embroiled in liturgies is getting OFF the track, dear one. You are a Heartdweller, first and foremost. Celebrate the Mass with your heart, afterwards, holding onto the sweetness. If you want to add a few prayers, that's fine. If you participated in one of Ezekiel's Masses, you would cease to look to all these different practices. He is extremely SIMPLE.


Then I felt Jesus wanting to speak.

He began, "Rome and Alexandria, etc., etc. have adopted some of the courtly ways of the rich and powerful. This is not to My liking. Sincerity and simplicity the poor can absorb is what I want for My priests. Rome is falling, and so will all other bodies of Believers fall if they introduce riches, power, and esteem of men through their liturgies.

"They were warned from the beginning by the Apostles but chose instead their own will and fame to gain power, position, and respect by the corrupted wealthy.

"There will come a time, when I am on the Earth, that liturgy will be reformed. But you, a man, merely mortal, cannot improve on the Last Supper I celebrated with My Apostles.

"If you wish to be pleasing to Me alone and not to men, you will put down these foolish impulses to imitate the World. Cleave to My Heart with all your strength and go back to the way I did it. Although you can include the simple prayers of repentance and supplications for others. This will most edify Me, along with bringing copious fruit free of worldly contamination."

Then He looked at me and said, "My Dearest, I feel that I am speaking to brass walls when all My entreaties are ignored, and men's ways are preferred. You are fighting against a monster of immense proportions that Satan has erected in the churches over the centuries. This is why your pleas feel as though they fall on deaf ears.

"For the sake of the Faith, I will not chastise or make an issue out of this at this time. But rotten fruit will spring up everywhere the ministers are cleaving to worldly ways.

"To be truthful with all of you, I would prefer My Supper to be celebrated in a grass hut with banana leaves and simple clay dishes. Because of the corruption of liturgies and consecrated altar objects, in their excessive wealth, the poor and starving and cry out to Heaven for justice. And have done so through all generations.

"But this will become clear to you when I come. For now, the desire of My Heart is simplicity and even poverty, done with great respect for My Body and Blood.

"But who will hear Me? Who has ears to listen?

"Have you not seen the destruction of Notre Dame? Do you not perceive a message in this? The message is simple: now the time has come to destroy compromise in My Church, and its acrid fruit.

"When you are standing before the guillotine, you will know the significance of My Faith. Not when you are standing before a great work of art and architectural wonder.

"The signs are upon you, My people. I am cleaning house and separating the sheep from the goats. Those who cleave to this world will be turned over to the goatherds of Satan. Those who are of My flock will be taken up.

"Those left behind will be sorting out their priorities and choosing whom they will serve. The goats will rank high; the sheep led to the slaughter. You have had many years to decide. That has led you to find comfort on the fence, engaging freely in both worlds.

"The fence is coming down, and you will be forced to make a final choice.

"The ones I am ordaining and appointing now will have no concern over worldly matters. Rather, they will live every moment of their lives, as best they can, exclusively for Me.

"That means marriages will come to an end. Children and relatives will be lost. Comfortable living will also go by the wayside.

"For My sheep will also be My warriors, who will live on the Earth as soldiers for God, under the roughest circumstances, without turning their heads at all the wealth in the world passing them by. Their only concern will be the salvation of souls and their entrance into Heaven.

"United to My Heart, they will be little but powerful with My power. They will be ugly to the world, but glorious to the angels that accompany them on their assignments. Indeed, I will pour out the riches of My Heart on these simple ones. And the world will marvel. They will come from the poverty of the manger, yet be able to feed thousands, just as I did.

"They will be My people, and I will be their God. Choose wisely."

And that was the end of His part of the message.

And now I understand for the first time, why, when I was ordained by the Lord, would not let me buy ANYTHING to make vestments. I mean, we had a few hand-me-downs. You know, tattered and torn. Old with use. Just a few things.

And I just wanted a set of stoles that reflected the different seasons, the different colors. And the different celebrations. And you know, I like to do artsy things. I like to sew. And I would have made some beautiful vestments. But He wouldn't let me!

I couldn't believe it! I said, "But Lord! I'm not going to spend a lot of money here. I'm just going to get the basics and do the sewing."

No compromise. He would not permit it and continually told me, "These are the ways of the world. They are contaminated. I don't want this. No."

Heartdwellers, I was crestfallen and confused. I loved creating and sewing, and I so wanted to have a complete set of liturgical garments. I thought He would approve of me following the seasons of the Church with liturgical colors. And what I had in mind was not extravagant at all, but very, very simple.

There is so much we do not know or understand about God's heart. But some day, when He returns, it will be made clear to us.

In the meantime, I will do all in my little power to steer our ordained priests away from elaborate vestments and ceremonies. A stole is all that is truly relevant and necessary. All the other items: layers of clothing, golden vessels. Altar cloths. Were inspired by Judaism and Temple practices, and later the Romans. And Jesus never inspired His Apostles to follow after the rich.

For all simple and poor souls, this is good news. It brings it all back to the common man and requires nothing but a faithful heart that beats in unison with the Savior's.

Dear ones, please. Let's abandon the ways of the World. Pray from the heart. Follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

And keep it Pure. So pure.

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