Surf Drive Beach on the Cape Cod Peninsula in Falmouth.

3 years ago

Surf Drive Beach on the Cape Cod peninsula in Falmouth. The beaches are not that great! But it totally reminded me of the movie Jaws. The same kind of people were there. It is also about 30-40 minutes from the Kennedy Compound.
It is really charming and a really fond memory! It also has a sign that says Old stone Dock. There is a Old stone Dock. So I looked it up here is what I found.
The mission of the Old Stone Dock Association is to promote a sense of community for residents in the neighborhood of Main Street to Shore Street to Surf Drive to Mill Road and all the streets and residences within those boundaries. The Association will work with the Town of Falmouth officials towards improvements in the areas of beautification, traffic movement, beach utilization maintenance, road maintenance, and, in general, the welfare of all residents. The Association will endeavor to create a community spirit by encouraging all residents to participate through programs that promote unity based upon a common interest.

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