Whistleblower for Eastern Congo Genocide // Extermination of The Banyamulenge Tribe

3 years ago

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The most debased of human events is happening and most of the world is completely unaware, and that is the targeted destruction of an ethnic people group called the Banyamulenge tribe in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. Attacks have heightened since May 2019, and and all-out assault for the complete annihilation of this people group was launched in September 2019. Dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, people have fleed their homes, livestock and crops have been stolen or destroyed, and hundreds are being exterminated in this act of targeted genocide.

Tens of thousands of people now sleeping on the open ground or jungle, without food or shelter, and fleeing for their lives from the main perpetrating group called the Mai-Mai militia.

Preparing A Place Ministries is working on the ground to help save and bring relief to these defenseless people group. To find out more about how you can help help, please visit PreparingAPlace.org. To make a tax-deductible financial gift to help our efforts, visit https://www.preparingaplace.org/give.html. Thank you!

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