Global COVID Passport Linked to Your BLOOD Coming! | Guests: John Doyle & David Reaboi | 10/15/21

3 years ago

The World Economic Forum released a video detailing the soon to be implemented CovidPass. Described as a way to safely bring back travel, the digital QR code will control when and where you can travel. The Covid Cult is genuinely ushering us into a dystopian sci-fi era of government control via barcodes. While the pass promises to help the vaccinated, leftists are increasingly calling for hospitals to deny treatment to anyone unvaccinated, going so far as to hope they die. Good people usually don’t wish death on those they disagree with, but that’s the point we are at. After being exposed by Joe Rogan, Sanjay Gupta was back on CNN with Don Lemon pushing the exact lies he was called out for. These people don’t care and are willing to say and do whatever they want to push their narrative. As if that wasn’t bad enough, supply chain issues continue to build and have gotten so bad that one Dunkin Donuts ran out of doughnuts. One can only imagine where society goes from here. We’re joined in-studio by David Reaboi, author of “Late Republic Nonsense” on Substack, and John Doyle from “Heck Off Commie” on YouTube.

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