CANCER IS A WHITE FUNGUS - Dr. Tullio Simoncini

3 years ago

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a medical doctor in Italy who has done more than anyone to explore the uses of the baking soda cancer treatment as an alternative cancer treatment. It is known that cancer creates and favors an acid environment and because of this, Dr. Simoncini and others have used sodium bicarbodate as an alkaline therapeutic agent. - Most diseases are caused by white fungus /mold /yeast /candida, this is why government & Big Pharma do not want you to know about cures like antifungal drugs like Ivermectin etc. Dr. Tullio Simoncini says there are many more cures for cancer and most diseases.

Now You Know Why MSM News is attacking any talk about Antifungal Medications.

Look into all antifungal medicines... Medicines made from plant life is real medicine.

Look into Dr. Jennifer Daniels Turpentine Protocol --- Toenail fungus or any fungus in our body is cancer & autoimmune disease, it's caused by fluorides, petrochemicals, processed sugars, to many carbs, etc. FASTING - EARTHING - Antifungals meds and not feeding this fungus, candida, mold, yeast are the best way to fight sickness.

Our foods, drinks, water, many drugs, air with chemtrail coal ash have fluoride oxide metals in them by government design that kills off our gut immune bacteria leading to fungus overgrowth, cancer, disease, early death etc.

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