Dr Vernon Coleman Cov Vaxxines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Could Wipe out the Human Race

3 years ago

Dr Vernon Coleman Cov Vaxxines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Could Wipe out the Human Race

Coleman says this is the most crucial video he's ever made about cov.

Please share this video widely.

"Do you remember that video in which Bill and Melinda Gates sat and smirked as they talked about how the next pandemic would make people sit up and take notice?

Well, I think I know what is going to happen. We all know that the evil elite, the Agenda 21 and Great Reset promoters, have all along intended to kill between 90% and 95% of the world’s population.

Sadly, I fear it is probably too late to save many of those who have had the vaccine. Millions are doomed and I fear that many will die when they next come into contact with the coronavirus.

But something has gone seriously wrong with the plans of the elite..."

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Information they tried to remove

CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirxs (2019-nCoV)

Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel


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