Nasty tiny house Repo

3 years ago

Shed Repo? Yes just like cars and anything else people buy them on payments, if they fail to make their payments the shed rightfully belongs to the financial institution that paid for the shed, the buyer signs a contract giving the financial institution permission to retrieve their asset if they don't make their payments.
What about the buyers belongings in the shed?
To my knowledge they have a certain amount of days to go get their belongings after the shed has been repo'ed or get caught up on payment and have the shed delivered. (My job is to retrieve the shed, that's all)
Lets remember that the financial institution has to give them 3 month of no payment before having the shed repo'ed, that means for 3 or more month the buyer has his/her belonging in a shed which is not rightfully theirs.
I understand hard times happen to people and that sucks but it all comes down to responsibly, If you can't pay you can always voluntarily return the shed which many people do of course.
To those who accuse me of stealing, isn't keeping a shed that you didn't pay for stealing?

Thanks for watching

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