Ryan Grim: 4.3 Million Workers Just Told Their Bosses To Shove It!

2 years ago

Ryan Grim: Oct. 13, 2021 - 4.3 Million (American) Workers Just Told Their Bosses To Shove It! If your gonna leave your job because of forced vaccine mandates, do it with finesse like Joey did, bring your own band! Bwahahahhahaaa....now that's what I call, ORIGINAL! Amway eat your hearts out! ;) Move over Tucker Carlson!

Record number of people in the millions, fed up and pissed off because of the plandemic, pissed off to wear masks, pissed off if they should see a sign to wear a mask if they're not vaccinated because this is a free country and it's their God given right...
All masks, swabs and PCR tests have graphene-oxide nanoparticles in them, that is what is infecting people, not this covid-19 virus. Then your marked for death by labelling you as covid positive, then they inject you with a deadly cocktail of gene and DNA, mRNA altering poisonous lethal injection.
Americans are fed up and quitting their jobs from forced vaccine mandates. They should be given the choice not forced against their will.

Source: The Hill

Ryan Grim gives his take on new data showing a record number of Americans quitting their jobs in August. People are just not taking it anymore. The constant pressure from greedy employers and corrupt governments pushing ultimatums onto them, "Get Vaccinated or Your Fired!" Take your damn job and SHOVE IT!!! I have, left many a jobs...

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