The Trojan Horse: How Industry Interests Shape Public Education and create Public Opinion

3 years ago

This invaluable perspective into the root-causes of our society of fear was composed by YouTube user NativeInterface; all clips are linked below, and several are also included through the various Peace Revolution curriculum episodes found at

"From where does the public school system originate, and what is its real purpose?

Mandatory public education was designed by big industry in order to shape and limit the minds of children to that of a mainstream consumer or factory worker. Behaviour is modified to be externally motivated by "group thinking" or collectivism.

"Three different types of psychological conditioning have invaded schools with Outcome- Based Education and education reform. Each type has its specified purpose in controlling the behavior, and therefore the minds, attitudes, and values of our young. The first is Classical Conditioning, developed by a Russian physiologist named Ivan Pavlov only a few years before Watson's conception of Behaviorism. The second, credited to B.F. Skinner, is Operant or Instrumental Conditioning. The third, attributed to Albert Bandura, is Observational Learning. Each of these Behaviorist conditioning approaches is woven through the OBE reforms of education to accomplish only one thing: to control attitudes by controlling behavior. [...] The psychologists have ripped the schools from parents and teachers alike. Their only objective is to create children who may look different, but behave the same, think the same, and believe the same. They shall create in each child the "perfect child". Like John B. Watson, they shall create children as they see fit. They shall do it with conditioning, not teaching." --- Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Iserbyt"

Peace Revolution episode 041-045: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto

"Metanoia: Human Resources" (as heard in Peace Revolution episode 011)

J. T. Gatto interviewed by Lennart Mogren, Sweden, March 2003

Memories of a Political Prisoner - Prof. Chengiah Ragaven interviewed by Richard Andrew Grove of

The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 1/5

Peg Luksik "Who Controls Our Children" How Public Schools Dumb Down Kids (as heard in Peace Revolution episode 051)
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