Tyranny in the USA?

3 years ago

In this episode we try to get to answer IS there Tyranny happening right now in the USA? Our constitutional rights are highlighted as well as references to the Constitution. 15 additional links with information that will help ANY and ALL who should chose to watch this episode. We get into vaccine tyranny-liberty VS tyranny under the US constitution, How our founding fathers anticipated tyranny and covid as the trojan horse for tyranny. Also note: This episode touches on the legalities of the mandate which Episode 2 Are vaccine mandates legal? Link here:https://rumble.com/vmuto1-are-vaccine-mandates-legal.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=10 Also we touch upon vaccine hesitancy in episode 4 here is the link: https://rumble.com/vnfij3-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-is-is-sensible-or-unreasonable.html

Here are the links for this for this episode:

Constitution of the United States

U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Vaccine Tyranny: UCLA Doctor Escorted Off Property for Refusing Vax, Then He Reveals His Plan 55 second video—truly sad what they are doing to people!


Proof that Jan 6 was FBI organized-tyranny


Tyranny Comes to America: CDC Proposes Concentration Camps As A Covid Measure


Liberty versus tyranny under the U.S. Constitution


Americans Must Oppose the Tyranny That Is Rapidly Spreading Across US


It’s Time to Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America


Only A Well-Armed Citizenry Can Effectively Resist Tyranny via Treason


Airline Pilot Explains How Medical Tyranny Relies on Shifting Baseline Syndrome


COVID-19 and the Tyranny of the Bureaucracy


Talked into Accepting Tyranny COVID-19 and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion


Covid Vaccines are the Trojan Horse leading us to Tyranny

Mile markers of tyranny: Losing our freedoms on the road from 9/11 to COVID-19 Excellent article-MUST READ!!


Covid-19 Response and the Tyranny of Evidence-Based Medicine Good explanation here.


Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

Declaration of Independence: A Transcription | National Archives

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