Billie Beene E1-250 101321 La Palma Update/Navy Nuke Sub Collision S China Sea!

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. Billie brings updates on what is going on with the La Palma volcano.
2. Billie talks about the Navy Nuke Sub Collision that took place on October 2nd and 10 crew members were injured but not life threatening.
3. Clif High is reporting that we are going to see a stock market crash and all kinds of shortages. Also the container ships that are docked off shore are being searched just like the one that was stuck in the Suez Canal.
4. Clif High is talking about a natural weather cycle that is going to bring on mini-ice age in 2030. We will be seeing shorter summers. We will be seeing longer and more intense winters.
5. ShariRaye is reporting that NESARA/GESARA should be online October 15-17 and this will bring on the Med Beds.
6. ShariRaye is also bringing out that there will be a refund of all the money the Cabal made on a person's birth certificate. All the money a person paid in on Social Security will be refunded and all the money they paid in to the IRS taxes will also be refunded to people.
ShariRaye is also reporting that the Supreme Court is now down to one judge who is Clarence Thomas. All the other judges have been engaged in tribunals and some guilty of treason and crimes against humanity. So, the Supreme Court will be re-built.
7. ShariRaye is bringing out that the RV will be finished in October. There are Chinese Elders who will be giving the QFS codes to the appropriate people between October 13th thru 17th.
8. Planned Parenthood is going down.
9. CirstenW is reporting that in the states of Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and West Virginia these Cabal shadow part agencies being the CIA, NASA and DoD there will be 36,000 infrastructures will be taken out in those states.
10. Lock Down is coming to the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada and some areas in the U.S. Also, this will take place in some areas of the countries outside the U.S. as noted above.
11. It is being reported that President Trump will be in Dallas Texas on October 17th and he will announce that JFK, Jr. has been his VP since 2020.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Pat Subscribers, Gene Decode, Clif High, Jean-Claude, Janine, Mary Greeley, Bearcraft Bush, Suspicious Observers, Dark Outpost, ShariRaye, Cirstenw2, Charlier Ward, Judy Byington, Dr Wm Mount, Benjamin Fulford, Israeli News Live - Steven Ben-nun, Vickie Lucas, Florida Marquis
Gazette-Sub Strikes Object
bitchute ShariRaye Update Oct 12
Florida Marquis - Alert - China now Attacks Another Warship,,,
Bushcraft Bear - Another 4.5...
cirstenw2 - Update 10-13
Jean-Claude - Temporal Markers - Clif High

Contact and Support:
Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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