Actual news event

3 years ago

You should read this below and watch the video as a news item and as a lawful ‘NOTICE to all.’
A contract with a corporation has nothing to do with land or border areas. Do NOT confuse the difference or you will never understand nor get above corporate trust law and the security bonds/binds that support such.
Corporations can provide services that appear to be ‘government protection’ or security. Once you are signed up [to the “Hotel California”/for a Big Brother] and no longer possess your own Power-of-Attorney (your [Declaration of] Independence/self-responsibility/self-providing/self-governance), there is nothing you can do to hold them accountable to the agreement or contract (but call/Record foul/fraud regarding identity [trickery] of said).
‘County of Pinal’ is listed on Dun & Bradstreet’s Business [Corporate] Directory, despite Sgt._Benedic_ of the claimed Pinal County, Arizona further claiming “That is only my [own] opinion it’s a corporation…” It is NOT listed as ‘County of Pinal, Arizona’ or ‘County of Pinal in Arizona,’ or even ‘County of Pinal under the corporate State of Arizona’ (but it is a subdivision of such). That is because it is NOT a land-marked boundary. It is only a ‘Trade-Mark’ of a business-corporation fraudulently tricking most people into thinking that it is ‘Pinal County, Arizona’ = a government by and for the people!
By Paula_Mullenix_ accepting labeling of herself with the title: “Manager of Code Compliance” she is not participating in identity fraud herself: as ‘a manager’ denotes that ‘of a corporation,’ according to Black’s Law Dictionary.
If the One World Corporation’s owners or The Elite or their employees deny what I state herein and force me into contracting with them, then The Elite cannot get off-the-hook by claiming, “The sheeple/chattel class came to us and applied for a service providing contract under free-will on their own accord and then did NOT cry fraud when plainly explained what today IS the bigger genuine news in simple English terminology by this man standing on the land.”
“You will own nothing, and be happy.” –Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
“Big Brother & Uncle Sam, who are MANAGER & CEO respectively of Hotel California and Its insurance corporatocracy, will insure that you will be happy for ‘the rest’ of your life and you can be sure they tell the truth regarding their JAB-jibber-ish, just like they say all elections are fair & square, 9-11 was masterminded by a rich terrorist from a cave in Afghanistan, lone gunmen assassinate all leaders who question & attempt to alter the [Central banking*] System, you can trust either mainline news or conservative (controlled opposition) radio personalities [you have only these two “choices” as with political REPRESENTATIVE parties---they are as two peas in the same pod], and all conspiracy theorists are nut-jobs who should be locked in happy-camps with guards to protect them from themselves!” –Duncan Phelps, man on the land
Understand, even the CEOs & Managers are not in control of The Corporatocracy. The Controller is the BEAST A.I. computer in & all hooked up (including “the Cloud”) to [?a fictional?] ONE in Brussels, with no ‘OFF’ switch. This is not personal… it is strictly business! ..And a corporate computer model has neither soul nor the ability of discerning right from wrong.
One could say: ‘The Terminator’ movie has already arrived with the JAB. Or worse yet, the 2006 movie ‘Idiocracy’ is true!
Another’s perspective:
*All wars are banker’s wars.

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