Companies Hit By Worker Strikes in Recent Weeks, John Deere Latest Impacted.

3 years ago

Companies Hit By Worker Strikes in Recent Weeks, John Deere Latest Impacted.
Multiple companies have seen their workers go on strike in recent weeks, including Kellogg, group home workers and a New York hospital, with John Deere the latest impacted, the Associated Press reported.
This month, unionized employees for at least five companies have gone on strike while their unions attempt to negotiate with employers to resolve matters such as health care, wages and poor working conditions.
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Kellogg's cereal plants halted production last Tuesday as workers went on strike to protest for better pay and benefits.
Negotiations between the union and Kellogg had been at a standstill for over a year, AP reported.
Seattle-area carpenters with the Northwest Carpenters Union went on strike on September 16 and maintained their strike for nearly three weeks.
Group home employees at Sunrise Inc.

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