The best self care routines that can improve your mental health today. #shorts

3 years ago

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How is it going? :). Many of us go through daily challenges with our mental health. Often we can go through the day feeling sad or depressed. Which is why self care is important. With self care you treat yourself better than how your mind would have you believe you need to be treated when thinking negative thoughts. In this video you get the best self care tips, followed by a self care routine, that can uplift your mood. Everyone should take a self care day for themself, at least once a week. Which is why we plan on bringing you a multitude of different self care routines that you can implement into your life. Some people choose to do a self care sunday, where they just do a self care routine on sunday but you can always choose your own day. This can be key to helping you overcome your daily or once in a while mental health challenges. Without self love you won’t ever be able to win the battle against your depression or anxiety since you won't have enough love for yourself to do what you need to feel better and fight those mental illnesses. Self care routines are basically identifying how to practice self love so that you know how to love yourself, and appreciate yourself enough to want to see yourself happy. With this you will know how to stop comparing yourself to others, which is often linked to people having depression. Instead you will be able to bring forth a new self awareness of yourself, one that is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that you are happy or at peace. #shorts #mentalhealth #depression

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