THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50 pts) ~ Pt.40: The 5th Commandment..Part 2)

3 years ago

"Man has become the enemy of his fellow Man, ever since Man stepped out of the circumference of God's Wisdom..that means to step out of the Light, into the Darkness.. from that moment on the absence of light brought on a Death Wish. You know in the Natural Order, no light from the sun, no life..the sun disappears life will soon disappear as well. If the light of Truth is obfuscated, blotted out, you begin to call the truth a lie and lies the invert those sacred poles of what's good and what's evil, calling evil good, and good evil..truth a lie and lies the truth..that inversion of reality like the transposition of the poles of an electrical current, calling the negative positive, and the positive negative..what happens? the power fails, the lights go out, darkness falls..and indeed if your light is darkness, how deep, how very deep will the darkness be? And so instead of 'life in the womb' we account it something else..instead of the 'murder of the innocent' we call it the benign-sounding phrase, 'termination of a pregnancy.' We call the truth of 'being' a lie..and we take the lie of murder and we exult as though it were the truth. And that inversion has begotten a death wish in twentieth century Western-Man's world. The formal cooperation in an Abortion constitutes a grave offence. The Church attaches the Canonnical Penalty of Excommunication to this crime against human life.."

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